Friday, February 16, 2007

What Would You Do?

I've been thinking a lot lately about what I want to accomplish. It's a pretty long list. Some of it's checked off (see picture of me flying over Cabo San Lucas in an Ultralight Plane), but more has been put off as a result of my own inability to believe I could do it. I won't bore you with the full list here. I'm working on posting it on my personal blog for all to see. For the GingerSky fans, here's the challenge..List 3 things you want to accomplish this year. Write them here, or in a notebook, or on a scrap of paper taped to the fridge. My top 3 things have been accomplished. I'm writing a blog, I got rid of my SUV for a hybrid, and my dog Lucy has passed her therapy dog training. (OK, I spent a long time setting up for success in 2006!) Here are my next 3 things...
  1. Finish Decorating/Organizing My Home
  2. Write a Novel
  3. One great adventure trip (Patagonia or Machu Picchu)\

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