Friday, February 9, 2007

Making Choices is HOT HOT HOT

I was looking around the room at an event the other day...with so many of my women friends in attendance. All close to or over 40/50. Wow. Here's how it goes. 1 single mom, two kids, one boyfriend; 2 never married with dogs and cats, happily travelling the world whenever and open to love; 3 married with 1 or 2 kids, gone through bumps or going through bumps, adore their kids; 2 happily divorced with no kids...both seeking new guys; 2 never married, no animals (1 had sex twice last week, 2 different guys bravo!). So here's what I want to say. We all have a lot in common. We all are inspired to live amazing lives on our terms. In this gathering we shared the songs that inspire us to greatness like "We are the Champions", "I Hope you Dance", etc... (thank you gail blanke!) and we shared the great accomplishments we want to make this year. We are all great, loving souls who have chosen different life paths for so many different reasons. BUT...the key here is respecting the choices our friends make, as well as our own. We can't keep score; we can't even know how to measure who has 'more'. All we do know is that some of us will be happy while others will be tortured trying trying trying to find something else. We don't all need to be suburban housewives, working moms, single moms, or single animal lovers BUT...we do all need to see the beauty in others' choices. As they say in Yoga...the light within me salutes the light within you. Cheers!

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