Tuesday, February 20, 2007


When Norma Kamali opened her business in 1978 she called it OMO - On My Own. It was a bold declaration of independence and strength. Recently I've had occasion to think about what it means to be on my own, as I build a consulting business, moving forward without the weekly paycheck or the protective arms of an organization providing me with health insuranc,e paid vacations and an IT department. I can just imagine what it's like to make a major investment in a retail store and put one's designs out there for the world to accept or reject. But we live in a wonderful time, when it's possible for a woman to do virtually anything she sets her mind to do, so it's meaningful when we allow ourselves to dream big. And if that involves taking risks, pushing ourselves to way past our comfort levels, creating lives that we ourselves have designed, we mustn't allow fear to have its way with us. Katharine Hepburn always said she was afraid of everything, she just didn't let fear stop her. That's a remarkable statement coming from a women who everyone considered a paragon of self-possession.

Recently I was speaking with an old boyfriend who still advises me occasionally on business matters. My anxiety about work kept coming up, and in attempt to manage it, I mentioned that people often compliment me on my brilliant ideas. "Of course they do," he said. "You should expect to have brilliant ideas. You should have a sign that says 'I have ten brilliant ideas every day' right on your desk where you can see it all day long."

So I've added that to my daily affirmations. Because actually it's true, but I need to keep reminding myself.

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