Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Later that day...

It's frosty outside and I'm cozy inside thinking about all the many paths we take in life. I wonder where we get our inspiration; our guidance. Who do you look up to? Who gives you the best advice ever? I love Pema Chodron's books...No Time to Lose; Comfort With Uncertainty; Start Where You Are. Come to think of it...you get where she's headed just by her brilliant titles. She's a Mother, 70 Yrs. Old and she's a Buddhist. You have to love her.
Check out another great daily email called The Daily OM. Somehow they just seem to send you the message you need, when you need it most.
Tell us who inspires you...people, books, music...anything!

1 comment:

Rachel Glickman said...

Years ago Deepak Chopra wrote a book called The Return of Merlin. Pre-Harry Potter. Pre-Eragon. On the surface it's a book about boys in boarding school and the legend of Merlin, but it's a really interesting precursor to Chopra's current over the top self help style. Well worth a read.