Saturday, February 10, 2007

Don't you just love the guys who... and talk and talk and never stop to say...hey...what's up with you? There's this 'see and be seen' power lunch place in NYC for media hounds -- the movers, the shakers, the wanna be's. This man, who will remain unnamed, invited my friend and I to lunch. He's known her for years and wanted to meet me as a way to network, I suppose. Oh my god. I can't remember the last time I really sat at a meal with someone who hardly took a breath but to stuff his food in (maybe a blind date or two in the distant past). This man talked and talked and talked and talked...and my friend and I smiled, nodded, gently threw our heads back and chuckled at opportune moments. And I silently stewed, wondering if it really mattered WHO was sitting in the seat across from him. I kept thinking how important my time is and how lucky I am most of the time to choose who I spend my precious hours with. Now, mind you, this wasn't a bad guy. He's quite successful and very nice. Maybe he was nervous. Maybe he'd just made a trillion dollars and couldn't contain himself. Maybe he was a bit of a fast talker and had a breathing problem. Who knows. But after I got all worked up inside, I remembered why I love the people I love. It's because we share great moments together and we listen to each other. We listen.

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