Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Composing a Life...One Step at a Time

I had this curious innner dialogue yesterday (yes...chatting with myself) after a conversation with a friend in his office at one of our favorite TV Networks. He's one of to speak...but he's a gingerstew boy (beefstew?). He's been working for what feels like a hundred years and he's burnt toast. Bored. BUT...he's doing it because he's committed to the house in the burbs, vacations, college fund, etc, etc, etc. It's also nice to have a job that gives you a 'calling card', so to speak, so that's a nice little perk as well. But there's still the issue of that darn soul. It does seem like a luxury to be able to do a full 'about face' based purely on saving your soul, (happiness, that is). People would laugh, of course. BUT...what if we really had the power to do only that which makes us happy -- and everyday we had fun and 'our step' had a little zip in it (you in mary poppins land!). What if...we could set an example for our children and our friends and family that you really CAN compose a life based on choice, fun, meaning...hmmm.

Another (beefstew) friend of mind saw Maya Angelou speak yesterday and she said we all have the power and the obligation to 'compose our world'. "All of us, by grand and even small acts of kindness and wisdom, can and must effect the lives of others".'s to living a live of love and step at a time. Happy Valentines Day!

1 comment:

spb519 said...

The power of Maya Angelou's message lies in its elegance and simplicity. All of us, whether consciously or unconsciously effect the lives of others on a daily basis. Every word, every gesture, every silence, carries a meaning and a message. Painters, authors and musicians understand the power of personal composition as a way to alter the way we see, listen and feel about ourselves and the world. In a fashion, she challenged us that evening to recognize that we have the power and responsibility to be more present, active and alert in creating and sustaining our compositions for ourselves and others.