Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Amazed by my Friends...

I was reminded yesterday how inspired I am by some of the amazing people I know. Whether they are raising awesome little munchkins or scaling huge mountains or tackling corporate america or surviving broken hearts...they are remarkable. That's why I choose to have them in my life, of course! I was reminded by this when I had lunch yesterday with a woman I've known for years now. She continues to amaze me over and over and over again. She has survived the death of two husbands, raised two magnificent daughters (who are already making great contributions in the world), worked tenaciously in corporate organizations that continue to be dominated by men who create their own mini political soap operas -- and she has remained one unbelievably 'rooted' woman. She is guided by this great natural instinct to 'do the right thing' -- first for her daughters and family, and now for herself. I listen to her now as she readies herself for the next stage in her life and have confidence that she'll bring to this stage the same tenacious, compassionate spirit that she has brought to every other stage of her life. Next up: She's on her way to spend 3 weeks at an Orphanage in Tanzania...home to 24 children in a remote part of the country. Let's hope that she'll share this adventure in The Gingerstew Chronicles!

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