Thursday, March 15, 2007

Where we find our Energy...

Yesterday I had lunch with a woman who runs her own business, has two young children and co-manages her household with her darling husband. I told her she should write a book on being an entrepreneur. She said...yeah...The Exhausted Entrepreneur. It made me think of all the different ways we get TIRED. And then...the good tired vs. the ick tired vs the depressed tired. Lately I've been in this transition mode of moving from Corporate life to the 'pre-entrepreneur' stage -- testing whether I'm ripe to 'do it on my own'. I keep wondering if I have the passion and energy for all my ideas...and if I'm tired now will I be really, really tired when I'm putting all my ideas into motion. I guess the answer is will be tired. BUT -- the feeling of being engaged in what you really, really care about is a GOOD tired. It's a full tired vs. the empty tired you feel when you're in transition or dealing with loss or just plain tired of what you are doing (bored!). Moving forward in a direction that is of your choosing is energizing...even if it is exhausting. So, I say to my friend and sister in law...the Exhausted's darn good to be loving what you are doing so YES, you should tell your story!

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