As I make my own shift into a new way of living, I spend lot's of time reminding myself what is most important. This, finally, is becoming clear. It's not important that we do what we've always done...work all day with limited flexibility, but good money. It's more important that we focus on how we want to BE in our lives and how we can be most adventurous on our own terms. That means finding and listening to ones own voice. Flexible time and schedule; loving who we work with; caring about the work that we do; making money by doing more of what we love and spending time with only those friends and family who we love and can support and vice versa. You find sometimes that not all your core team of friends/family can make the transition with you. They sometimes want to "hold you" 'where you are' or encourage you to default to what is safe-- because that's the you they know. Sometimes you need to say goodbye to some of them...
Maybe one day the proverbial "scorecard"will be turned upside down and you won't be measured by what you have in your bank account or by your fame -- but by the peace you feel inside for having made choices that are yours alone.
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